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Glory Disruption
The Lord took me into a series of encounters during the early hours of the 27th of May. In the first, a freight train was zig-zagging across the nations at speed, moving through cities and towns, valleys and mountains, destroying and transforming everything that came in its way. Every place the train went, the surrounding land was shaken and changed. The sound of the train was deafening, its wheels left deep deep ruts in the ground. On the side of every train carriage its name was written GLORY DISRUPTION.
Worship is Your Warfare
In this battlefield stop, stand and wait. Then, begin to build altars of worship for me. With every step you take, continue to listen to my voice. For I have caused your pause but, in this pause, you must worship me without delay. Let your worship create a firestorm that takes out the enemy’s voice and expose his plans.
Confinement to Birth
The Lord has been drawing us away to Himself for a time of intimacy, out of which will come birth. In the same way that women in the old days would go into a period of confinement before, during and after the birth of their baby, so the Lord is also taking His people into confinement, so that they can be with Him as He births new things in them.
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