I hear the Lord say, “Now advance with a new Momentum.”
“The Lord says to Zerubbabel; it is not by force nor by strength, but by my spirit, says the Lord of Heaven’s armies. Nothing, not even a mighty mountain will stand in Zerubbabel’s way, it will become a level plain before him”.
Zechariah 4:6
Just like Zerubbabel, the governor of Judah called to rebuild the temple of the Lord, the Lord says, “Church, you are my governing body in the earth realm, the ecclesia; my called-out ones. I have charged you with authority to rule and reign over nations, over the affairs of the world, and to exercise a restraining influence over the powers of the enemy. So now march forward and advance in my new momentum. Go forth in Godspeed for you will not be hindered nor slowed down.”
The spirit of Lord says, “now shake off the residue of the past season, remove the garment of weariness and discouragement and advance in courage. Break agreement with the lies of the enemy concerning who you are and your assignment. For I have not changed my mind concerning you and what I have called you to do. In the midst of the intensity of the past season was an invitation from me to you to come closer and even closer to me. Now, therefore, strip off every weight that slows you down, especially the habitual casual sinful pattern that easily trips you up; and allow my glory to saturate and fill you up.
For as momentum is mass (weight) times speed, so, my glory and presence in your life will be the weight that makes you unstoppable and immovable as you advance steadily with stamina in Godspeed, keeping your eyes on Jesus.
This new momentum will activate within you a new positive expectation, a new level of faith, renewed hope, zeal, boldness, clarity of vision, tenacity and resilience for the days ahead. For it’s your time for a new spiritual momentum, step into it now!
And the Lord said to Moses, ‘’Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward. But lift up your rod and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it. And the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea.’
Exodus 14:15-16