Notice of the dissolving of the British Isles Council of Prophets

Over the last six years, from its inception in 2018, the British Isles Council of Prophets has sought to make space for prophets to come forth on the islands of Great Britain and Ireland. We have sought to bring forth the prophetic word of God through broadcasts and gathering to discern the voice of the Lord. Throughout the last six years, through a global pandemic, an age of societal uncertainty, shaking among the nations, wars and rumours of wars, BICoP (British Isles Council of Prophets) has worked hard to draw people’s attention to the purposes and plans of heaven.

BICoP is by no means the only expression of the prophetic on the British Isles. There are many groups faithfully meeting, praying, and declaring the word of the Lord. These amazing men and women of God have been, and continue to be, salt and light throughout the land, and we are very thankful and grateful for them.

It is our strong belief that the body of Christ in the British Isles has entered a new season, more than that, a new epoch in the Spirit. This is a Haggai and Zechariah season of coming out of exile and building the house of the Lord. As such, and in recognition of the season, the leadership of BICoP has chosen to dissolve the council of prophets so that something new, fresh and in keeping with the timings of God to come forth. We still believe that it is essential for prophets to gather, catalyse and encourage one another in the word of the Lord. However, we also believe that what comes next cannot look like what came before. Prophets must work alongside apostles to lay the foundation of whatever comes next for the body of Christ on the British Isles.

We are deeply grateful for all the wonderful prophets who have been with us on the journey. It seems fitting that after six years, the council should enter a sabbath year for God to shape and mould us according to his purposes for the next season. As we lay down this role of “council of prophets” we affirm that the term “council” must now apply primarily to the church in fivefold fullness, rather than to an individual anointing. There will always be a need for schools and companies of prophets to arise, and space required for prophets to come together. However, the energy of the prophet must now be focused on building the body of Christ in partnership with other members of the fivefold ministry.

We want to thankyou for joining with us on the journey. For everyone who has contributed to BICoP, who has helped, supported and listened to us; We say a massive thank you. As we dissolve this council; and BICoP comes to an end. Our cry now is “let the Ecclesia come forth, let the harvest be reaped and let the bride make herself ready.” Come Lord Jesus!

Phil Sanderson
(British Isles Council of Prophets leader and core group member)