Dylis is based in Maidenhead, Berkshire. She is a dynamic Prophetic voice and has pioneered three moves of God in three different cities in our nation. She works alongside churches and leaders in bringing a fresh now Word, igniting and releasing a new depth of hunger, intimacy and the revelation of Jesus Christ. She does Prophetic consultation and mentorship with churches and leaders.
She is called to bring reformation to the Church and society; prophesying, praying, teaching and preaching the kingdom of God with power.
She is the founder and visionary of Eagles Arise Ministries, where she trains and equips others in their prophetic call, and to embrace walking in their sonship identity. She is very passionate about prayer, intercession and warfare and runs schools of intercession and warfare.
She also is the host of an annual Prophetic Conference called the Gathering of Eagles where prophets release a “now word” and divine instructions from God for the church and the nation.
She is an entrepreneur and brings the prophetic into the marketplace.
Dylis holds a master’s degree with Distinction in International Investments and Finance, from South Bank University London, she is an ACCA affiliate and also has an Accounting degree from Oxford Brookes University.
She loves spending time with her nieces and nephews and loves learning.
She is blessed with a wonderful support system of her team, family, friends and Mentors.